Dorian and Bellamy

Mama Dottie's puppies are 3 1/2 months old, and ready to find their forever families!
These Australian Cattle Dog mixed breed puppies are very sweet and love to play, eat, and take long naps in a puppy pile. Their mama is very sweet and playful, and loves to be around people, and the puppies have the same personality.
Mama was adopted, and now we're looking for adopters for her litter! We have 10 of Dottie's puppies at the rescue that need forever or foster homes.
If you're interested in adopting,click here!

Hamlin was the longest resident at a rural county shelter and his time was up! We couldn't let the unthinkable happen to this good boy, so here is thriving in a foster home, hoping for his furever.
Just a glimpse of how wonderful this boy is. A volunteer took him on a trip to the vet and this is what she wrote:
All 71.2lbs of him, according to the vet, slugged his scrumptious booty up in my car, like we were long, lost friends! I fell in love instantly and knew he was magical! My eyes welled up as if he was not saved myself, his fosters, his adopters out there, and the world would have missed out on his love, his trust, his belief that we are good!
Needless to say, this hottie swooned the ladies at his vet visit! After a boat load of snacks and booty rubs, he was poked, shaved a bit and examined without any hesitation by him! He was a dream in the car, superb on his leash and gave new meaning to lap dog!!
HAMLIN needs a forever home! At his size, he’s going to take up a lot room but not a lot of energy, as he’s perfectly happy just doing whatever you want to do! His foster family adore him and we all see why! Hamlin is good with children. Cats unknown.
He may need to be a solo pup but definitely would consider a slow intro with this gentle giant!
The time has come for Hamlin to move on and brighten another person’s or family’s life.
He’s a 71 pound lapdog with a heart as huge as his smile , great with kids too. He's crate trained and just relaxes in it, house trained, no accidents, does not chew or destructive, and he's polite and does not beg.
He also enjoys car rides and short walks, and squirrels make him nervous.
Please help us give Hamlin the life he deserves. He was originally found abandoned, tied to a pole. He became the longest resident at a rural shelter and we stepped in before the inevitable was about to be his fate.

After being buried in an ant mound, Flik was incredibly fortunate he was alive. Despite his horrific appearance, his sweet spirit shined and the shelter staff all loved him immediately.
There was talk of euthanizing Flik from the start because he was he too hurt, too sick, too frail to make it in the shelter?
But because of just how sweet he is, they decided to try. Flik was bathed every 3 days. He began meds and was eating — Lo and behold, by the time he arrived to us one month later, he was already a different dog! It was the love, dedication, and care of those wonderful people to thank for Flik's recovery!
Now, Flik is working on learning the ropes of life in a home! He’s got buddies to play with, toys to tear up, a yard to run and romp in —- he’s even discovered the cat door and promptly let himself out through it 🙃 We aren’t sure yet if Flik is a big breed puppy or a small guy. We DO know for certain that Flik is incredibly smart and devastatingly handsome with lots of charisma to boot! If you’re interested in bringing a puppy into your home, continuing to teach them what the good life is all about, and being surprised by what he may end up growing into. FLIK is a truly great guy!
Interested in adopting,click here!