

Teen with rare condition inspiring the world

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Nick Santonastasso will probably be one of the most inspirational people you will ever hear from.

"Honestly I would like everyone to know that I think my life's easy,” says Nick. “There are people out there who have it a lot worse than me." 

When you see Nick, it will be hard to understand what he means.  Nick was born with Hanhart Syndrome.  People who have the birth defect are often born without or with partial fingers, toes, arms and legs. It’s a rare abnormality; there are only about 10 reported cases in the world. About three of those people are still alive, and Nick is one of them.

"I don’t even look at my condition as being bad, I just look at it as it’s just me," says Nick.

Many didn’t think Nick would make it past infancy, let alone be skateboarding at the age of 12 or be picked for the Varsity wrestling team his senior year in high school. Now hundreds of thousands of people follow him online to hear his message of acceptance and love of people who might be just a little different.

“I just wanted to get the average kid out of their comfort zone,” says Nick. “[I] don’t take being active and healthy for granted. If you can do it, then do it!”

At the end of our interview, Nick told me he would love to be on Good Morning America to have an even bigger platform to spread his message. So we thought we would try to help. Please share this story with everyone you know on social media and use the #NicksMessage. Let’s see how far it will travel!

Watch video for Nick’s story and follow him on the following social media platforms:

Twitter: @NickSanto534

Instagram: @NickSanto534

Facebook: Nick Santonastasso

YouTube: Nick Santonastasso